

As per our founding principle of timely decision making to allow the business to meet customer needs our values are key to the achievement of this:
1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Respect
4. Punctuality
5. Professionalism
It is our principle belief that professional skills and competencies should never be compromised, we do this by keeping ourselves informed through training and engagements on the new developments within our fields of specialism and profession.

Corporate Social Investment:

Timely Move socio-economic responsibility is to address the socio economic imbalances of the past. In this regard we intend working with local communities where our projects are based. Our special focus would be on youth and woman. We will ensure that our projects create job opportunities for aspiring qualified, skilled and semi-skilled from previously disadvantaged group.


We will deliver professional services to our clients such that our clients make timeous business decisions.


Timely Move Investments seeks to create and improve compliance culture within its client base. This will be achieved through skills impartation and constant follow ups to gauge improvement.